Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Guide: The Best Augmentations To Focus On

Posted by Patria Henriques on Thursday, June 22, 2023

When it comes to doing well in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, it all comes down to picking the best augments that best suit your play style. There’s always more than one way that you can handle a situation in this game, whether it be action, stealth, hacking or even talking it out. However, if you also couple the right augmentations to go along with your play style then you’ll have a much easier time with the game.

The augmentations that are available in the game are broken down into 7 different categories, which are Cranium, Eyes, Torso, Arms, Back, Skin and Legs. While being well-balanced is great for being prepared for any situation, here we’ll delve into what’s best for each play style.

The Action style:

If you’re one that likes to push through your games with pure strength backed behind an endless stream of bullets, then the Torso, Arms, and Skin augmentation categories should get your primary focus. The best augmentations in these categories are Sentinel RX Health System, Cybernetic Arm Prosthesis, Cybernetic Weapon Handling and Rhino Dermal Armor. Spending Praxis Points on these augmentations will ensure that you can take more damage, carry more weapons and handle them better.

The Stealth style:

If you like to sneak around your enemies and avoid all combat entirely, then the Eyes, Skin and Legs augmentation categories should get your primary focus. The best augmentations in these categories are Stealth Avatar, Smart Vision, Wayfinder Radar System, Glass-Shield Cloaking and Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis. Spending Praxis Points on these augmentations will ensure that you know where your enemies are, can move quickly and quietly while also turning invisible to sneak around.

The Hacking style:

If you like hacking into the game’s numerous tech to get the upper hand on enemies and turn their own tech against them, then you’ll want to put your emphasis mostly on the Cranium category. The best augmentations in this category are Hacking Capture, Hacking Fortify and Hacking Stealth. Spending Praxis Points on these augmentations will ensure that you can hack high level security systems and enemy tech, while also moving through the hacking process as smoothly as possible.

The Conversation style:

Unfortunately, this style is more of a side style compared to the above three and really only comes into play when dealing with major characters in the game. Not only that, but there is only one augmentation that impacts the social elements in the game, and that is the Social Enhancer. This augmentation also only requires one Praxis Point to master beyond the initial unlock, though it is vital in order to win key character debates. Mastering it will ensure that you are able to make the best conversation choices during these moments to ensure they end in your favor.

As the game goes on and you rack up Praxis Points, you’ll undoubtedly want to spend some points outside of your style of focus. This is perfectly fine and is recommended, as things in the game won’t always work out as planned and you’ll suddenly have to handle a situation in a way that you weren’t originally planning to. The point of this guide was to just give suggestions for different play styles, but how you go about playing the game is entirely up to you.
